Alexandre Giora knows the baobab well . This agribusiness engineer opened in northern Benin , with his partner, the cooperative Matahi harvesting the fruits of baobab. Once picked up, the baobab pulp is extracted before being sent to France where it is processed. In addition to making super-vitaminized juices, Matahi collaborates with the brand Francis Bonheur , specializing in baobab groceries. Chocolate and baobab cake, caramel and baobab cookies, baobab powder to dilute in a yoghurt ... Focus on this ingredient full of promise.

Baobab pulp, a health asset

The pulp of baobab fruit is mostly eaten by local ethnic groups in Africa. It has exceptional nutritional and antioxidant qualities . Baobab pulp contains 3 times more vitamin C than kiwifruit, 35 times more antioxidants than grapes or pomegranates, 2 times more calcium than milk, 6 times more potassium only in banana as well as many ions , minerals and fibers . 1 teaspoon daily mixed in a yogurt or diluted in a glass of water would even replace a vitamin C cure.

Another way to consume the baobab: replace, in the preparation of a classic cake, for example, a little traditional flour with baobab powder (9,50 € the sprinkling bottle of 125g at Francis Bonheur).

The baobab, a future social phenomenon?

Nicknamed "Tree of life" in Africa, between food and traditional medicine, the baobab serves there a lot of things. It is in 2008 that he starts to make himself known at home, after its labeling "Novel food". However, as a result of the financial crisis, the Baobab did not experience the boom that was promised at this time. And result, it is now that we begin to speak baobab. At a time when organic food, gluten-free and vegan cartons, the baobab is gradually making its hole like acai or coconut oil before him.

Where to find baobab?

Groceries on:
Baobab juice all ready:
Baobab powder to mix: , , ,

Thanks to Alexandre Giora, food industry engineer and responsible for the manufacturing and processing of baobab fruits, founder of Matahi and partner of Francis Bonheur.