The risks of smoking , prolonged exposure to the sun , alcohol consumption or an unbalanced diet are all too often underestimated. The National Cancer Institute has developed a workable online test in 3 minutes. A way to evaluate ourselves on our own risks against cancer.

In 12 questions, the test indicates which aspects of our lifestyle can reduce the risk of having one day or another, cancer.

3 minutes to take stock of the risks of cancer

The test is in the form of a questionnaire on our consumption of tobacco , alcohol , meat ... It also asks us about our exposure to the sun , our physical activity , but also our age , our weight , our size ... In short 12 questions targeted on our daily life. The prevention test actually allows us to determine through our way of life, our risks against cancer, and gives the right advice to act.

" We did not try to make a scientific score , explains to Sciences et Avenir Dr. Dominique Bessette, head of the prevention department at CNIB. It is rather a communication and awareness tool. Indeed, if the test is preventive, it does not replace in any case the opinion of a pro.

Nothing costs to try, it only takes three minutes, and it's here .