There are now 21.3 million refugees around the world. If this figure is already enormous, it could unfortunately be only the beginning, because by 2050, some experts predict that 250 million people will be forced to leave their place of life because of climate change. Fortunately, associations are being set up to help migrants in the Mediterranean, and solidarity initiatives are multiplying throughout the world for those who are far from home at the moment. The British company Asos has decided to get involved in partnership with Help Refugees.

I want to help

There are the usual means: to make donations, to become involved in the associative life, to give of its time for voluntary actions, etc ... If one can not start for lack of time, money or information, one makes at least a small gesture to bring its stone to the building. By purchasing an owl Basic T-Shirt (white or black) - with a simple and effective inscription: "Choose Love" (in black or white), or "Choose Love" in VF. The price: 25.99 euros. Ok it's a bit expensive for a T-shirt but it's worth it since the full profits will be donated to the association. The T-shirt is also flocked with Help Refugees logo, barbed wire drawing a heart.

Help Refugees: a solidarity project,

The story of Help Refugees? It was that of 3 friends who had the idea to launch a hashtag in order to raise funds to improve the lives of refugees from Calais, France. Two years later, Help Refugees is the largest aid network in Europe and funds projects in France, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Turkey, Iraq and Syria.