To raise awareness about diabetes is the goal of the World Diabetes Day, celebrated on November 14 in more than 160 countries. Since its inception in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), World Diabetes Day has grown in popularity. On this occasion, many events are organized everywhere to help us prevent or live with this disease.

A month of actions to prevent diabetes

If World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14 of each year, over the years, the actions have grown and spread throughout the month of November .

Diabetologists and other health professionals take advantage of this to provide free counseling, blood tests and screenings, or participate in diabetes roundtables. It must be said that this pathology continues to grow and the French Association of Diabetics (AFD) warns that now deaths due to diabetes (stroke, nephropathies, neuropathies ...) reach 34,000 dead per year, ten times more than road accident victims.

How to know the actions implemented near my home?

The AFD website ( informs us city by city. In Paris, a debate is held in the Senate from 14h to 18h to discuss access to innovations and the experience of diabetics.

Finally, since 2008 the Health Insurance helps patients with diabetes (type 1 and 2) through its telephone support service Sophia . More than 500,000 members receive regular nurse advisor calls. The goal: to help diabetics stay engaged in the proper monitoring of their disease. The Sophia service is free and without commitment. There are 3 different ways to register: on the internet via the website, by returning the registration form sent by the Health Insurance to eligible insureds in the Sophia service, or directly to their doctor.

Updated November 13, 2016.