1. Coat the grapes with fresh cheese

I choose black grapes, of which it is the high season, I seize it and enclose each grain in fresh goat shaped into a ball between the palms. Then I roll these marbles into poppy or sesame seeds; I keep in the fridge and offer them at the end of a spade as an aperitif.

2. Opt for "blender recipes"
It's super easy and fast. I propose a blend of beetroot, canned tuna, cottage cheese, incredible smoothness and color. And if you do not like beets, it works very well with cooked carrots ...

3. Develop a passion for seeds

I add everywhere, because it's pretty, it brings crispness and extra flavor. Sesame, linseed, poppy or gomasio (mix of sesame and salt): so many small touches that change from the ordinary ...

4. Cook (often) pork tenderloin

A very affordable piece of meat that is lean, tender and very easy to prepare. Roast, simmered, with Roquefort cheese, honey or mustard: there are plenty of ways to enjoy pork tenderloin! I even suggest making a sausage, marinating it for 4 days in coarse salt, pepper and herbs from Provence.

5. Have tomato in the cupboard

In the form of concentrate, coulis, crushed pulp, the tomato is a basic essential, especially out of season. Of course, it allows to improvise a quick pizza, but also to concoct a sauce for pasta, a gratin, a simmered meat ... We do not skimp on the stock!

To read

A life of 200 per hour, a limited patience in cooking, a desire to eat well, a taste for originality and a concern for efficiency: the way of life of Elise, it is also ours in period back to school! So, let's adopt her good plans without delay, which she shares generously in this smart book and great pedago. "200 quick and unmistakable recipes" by Elise Delprat-Alvarès, photos by Amandine Honegger, 416 p., € 19.95, ed. Larousse.