We dope the taste of vegetables by cooking them beforehand . To avoid a too bland flavor , some vegetables (zucchini, spinach, mushrooms ...) are better fried before being incorporated into the pie machine. First to eliminate their water of vegetation. But especially to get a tasty color, by sweating in fat (butter or oil) with onion, garlic, aromatic herbs ....

We protect the dough . Otherwise it will be soggy. It can be protected in 3 possible ways.
- 1) by cooking it for a short time (10 min at 180 ° C, tea 6), after having pricked it with a fork and garnished with cooking weight (or pulses).
- 2) brushing the egg white pie shell to form an impermeable layer.
- 3) by sprinkling the bottom of thin semolina pie, which will absorb moisture.

We make it gratinate well . The addition of cheese (grated gruyere, parmesan, slices of mozzarella ...) on the classic egg-cream device brings a crisp and golden texture. And if the pie is still a little pale, it passes quickly under the grill.